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Wooden tubs


Round Hot Tub (Inner Heater)


Round Hot Tub (Inside Heater with External Furnace)


Round Hot Tub (Outside Heater)


A long time ago the tub was a round or oval-shaped container for storing liquids or bulk products. Now the tubs are made much larger, even up to 220 cm in diameter, 110 cm high and are used for bathing! A hot tub is a great choice for enjoying hot water in your yard, garden or spa. If you have already selected the model you want, contact us to make your purchase. If you cannot decide, we also look forward to receiving your email and are ready to answer any questions you may have.

The production of our wooden hot tubs is very precise and responsible work, so much of the cutting and assembly operations would not be possible without the help of human hands. The tub structure is assembled with a solid bottom and wooden planks placed around it. These are tightened with stainless steel rings.

All tubs that we sell can be made of spruce, larch or thermo wood. Each species has its own benefits but in terms of durability, thermo wood takes the first place on the list.

We produce round, oval and conical wooden tubs as well as tubs with plastic and glass fiber inserts. For those who like bubble hot tubs, we offer a jet system for the tub.

The water in the tubs is heated by internal or external heaters that are fired by firewood. The internal heater takes up the space of 1-2 people in the tub, but there are no pipes or heaters around the outside of the tub. An external heater increases the space available inside the tub, but 2 pipes and the heater are located on the outside. Some small tubs can only have external heaters, but in all other cases, the heating function of both types of heaters is done in the same way.

The hot tub is suitable for both urban and rural environments. Such a unique accessory will not create a spa oasis in your space, providing comfort and performing a decorative function.


The 2 main criteria to consider when choosing a tub are the type of tub and the number of people that will occupy it. For example, oval tubs fit up to 2 people, so to accommodate more people, round or conical tubs are a better choice as they fit up to 10 people. Each tub may have plastic or glass fiber inserts. We can always advise you in order to make the search easier.

Each of our tubs can be fitted with an air jet system and / or a hydro massage system to enjoy the jacuzzi pleasures of the tub.

The jet system consists of an engine and an air vessel network, the ends of which are integrated into the sides or bottom of the tub. The engine is a small compressor that compresses air that travels through the vessels and through the water to create bubbles. The entire system is hidden at the bottom and in an additional cavity on the side, so the appearance of the tub is practically unchanged.

The water massage system provides an intense flow of water. Water is pumped and sprayed through nozzles to the required parts of the body. The jets are not only pleasant, but the massaging is a healthy function for the body.


The tub should first be placed on a solid and stable base. More care is required for pure wood tubs. Tubs with plastic or glass fiber inserts can be kept both in the winter and in summer without water. In winter, the water in such tubs should not be allowed to freeze, as the ice will damage the tub inlay and heater. A wooden tub without inserts must always contain water in the summer. Without water, the tub may dry up causing the wood to shrink and leave gaps. The tub must also be cleaned. If you do not clean the tub it will get dirty and look unappealing. In winter, such a tub should be kept without water, because frozen ice can break the tub as well as its heater. Wood will be more durable if it is always soaked.

As a rule, the more natural something is, the more care it requires. Hot tubs with plastic or glass fiber inserts require less maintenance, less cleaning, they do not dry up in the summer, and are not required to be filled with water all the time.

When in use, the water level should be about 10 - 15 cm from the top. The water must not flow over the top. Such criteria are a guide for a sufficient amount of water in the tub. It is particularly important that the heater is fully submerged, and in the case of an external heater, the water level should be higher than the upper hose.

Failure to assure such conditions can cause damage to the heater. The wood paddle is designed for ensuring the water in the tub heats evenly. The purpose of the tub lid is to help the water to heat up faster and keep the water hot for longer. Water heating in the tub can take from 2 to 6 hours, depending on the weather conditions and the size of the tub.

We recommend coating the outer part of the tub with natural oil for longevity. A tub not in use should always be covered to protect it from environmental harm and to ensure that children do not fall into it. The tub is to be built no less than 4 meters away from any buildings. Do not jump into the tub. The recommended temperature of the water is no more than +41°C.



Wood Colors

Frequently Asked Questions And Common Mistakes

The most common mistakes:
1. The hot tub heater stove is prematurely fired and the stove is damaged. The stove should only be fired when the water reaches the required limit. The required limit is 10 cm to the top of the tub. 
2. The water from the tub is drained too early before the stove has cooled down. This is damaging the stove as much as in the first point. 
3. During the warm season, the hot tub is being left without water. This mistake causes the wood to dry out. What happens when you pour water after the wood has dried? The wood simply loses the ability to naturally soak and guarantee water-tightness again. Thus, wooden tubs should not be left completely without water. At least 10 cm should always be left in the tub to prevent the wood from drying out. 
4. Water in the tub is being left without water when the outdoor temperature is negative. Because of water expansion on freezing it damages both the construction of the tub and the heater stove. During the winter, the water must be drained from the stove to prevent damage to the tub. 
Why water drips from the tub?
After buying a wooden tub the water dripping is a normal process. Initially, dripping water can frighten but this is essential for a wooden tub until the wood is soaked. Wood soaking is simple – you just have to fill the tub with water, let it stand for about five days and the wood of your tub becomes completely soaked. 
When it comes to the wooden tubs, water does not drip only from the tubs that have been made of heat-treated wood. In VIP Spa Zone it is thermowood, which does not need to swell at all. 
How much water is in the hot tub?
The amount of water depends on the size of the tub. The tub contains 700-2000l of water.
What type of wood is best for a hot tub? What is the difference between them?
Question about what wood to choose is one of the common. Despite the price difference, the characteristics of all wood types that we are offering also vary. Natural spruce wood has the lowest water tightness, it is most vulnerable so we recommend spruce when buying a tub with plastic or glass fiber liner when there is less direct regular contact with water. Natural larch wood is stronger and less permeable to the water. The best wood type is, of course, thermo wood. Thermo wood is good for being exposed to hot temperature making it firm and least vulnerable to environmental factors. Such a wood tub does not need to be soaked, it is a durable product. 
What time does it take to heat the water in the tub?
On average the water in the hot tub heats up to 8°C per hour. Depending on the air temperature, the water warms to the required temperature of 38°C in 2-3 hours during the warm season and 4-6 hours in the cold. If you want the water to warm up faster remember to use the tub cover which withholds heat in the tub and does not forget to mix the water in the tub every 30 min. Mixing water with paddle helps to spread the temperature equally and the water warms up faster.
How do I heat my heater?
The stove is designed as a fireplace so it is easy to fire. The stove can be fired with solid fuel like dry wood and briquettes. For the stove, it is recommended to use only dry wood. The use of coal is prohibited. 
Wooden, plastic or glass fiber hot tub? How do I know which one to choose? 
It is up to the person who will take care of the tub. You need to evaluate your time, cost and values. Some hot tubs are more natural, others require less maintenance. 
  • A wooden hot tub is most natural, has its healing properties from the natural tree but its care and cleaning are more complicated. 
  • Looking at the easiest maintenance and cleaning, tubs with plastic or fiberglass liners are more convenient because they require less attention. The tubs with liners are easy to clean and in this case, they are more hygienic. Buying a tub with such liner avoids the soaking procedure and can be used immediately after connecting the heater stove.
  • Fiberglass hot tubs consume less water and at the same time heats up the hot tub faster. 
What kind of heater to choose? What is the difference between internal and external stove?
Both internal and external stoves are good. The internal heater will reduce the seating in the tub, the external will take up space in the yard. The client has to decide what is more important to him. Having enough space in the yard we always recommend an outside heater with the possibility of having more space inside the tub. 
The pros and cons of the different heaters:
  • Internal heater. The firewood is placed and the stove is cleaned up over the top so sometimes ash can fall inside the tub. The internal stove takes one person’s place in the tub but saves space in the yard or terrace.
  • Internal heater with external furnace. The firewood is placed and the stove is cleaned on the outside of the tub. Easier to access, cleaner water. Also, the inside heater takes one person’s o place in the tub. 
  • External heater. External heater saves space inside the tub and has convenient access for firing. This kind of tub is more relevant in less-used homesteads where the extended periods the stove can be disconnected and transported to a safe warm place. 
On what surface should the tub be installed?
A hot tub requires a smooth surface. This can be a smooth wooden terrace, concrete pad, compacted gravel. Before installing the foundation for a tub, it is necessary to think about water effluent. If the tub will be placing on terrace, concrete, concrete pads or gravel, it is recommended to lay 5 cm polystyrene foam for a foundation. 
How to maintain the tub and the heater? 
Impregnation. Wood is a natural product and we recommend that it be impregnated once a year to maintain a representative outside appearance and to save it from environmental factors. Wood can be impregnated by oiling or painting. 
Hygiene. Hygiene and bacterial growth must be prevented by using water purifiers for swimming pools, use chlorine tablets (for plastic and glass fiber tubs only) or other water clarifiers. 
Cover. Remember to cover the lid when not using the tub. The cover protects the inside of the tub, ensuring that no dirt gets into the water. 
Heater. It is recommended to clean the heater every 3 to 5 uses, depending on the amount of ash accumulated. Conventional fireplace cleaners are suitable for cleaning the stove. 
How to clean the tub? 
Wooden tubs. When cleaning the wooden tub avoid rough cleaning tools, also chlorine-based cleaner fluids. High-pressure water can be harmful to natural wood, it is recommended to avoid it and clean tubs by hands using mild cleansers and tools. 
Plastic and glass fiber tub. Conventional cleaning tools for baths or swimming pools are appropriate for cleaning the plastic and glass fiber tubs. There are no special requirements.